A disabled user account is indicated by the following:
- Websites aren't displayed anymore.
- Logging in to the customer center fails.
- Transfer via FTP isn't possible anmore.
- eMails can't bre received anymore.
(The password has been rejected.) - eMails can't be sent anymore.
- The technical support doesn't answer your requests.
The disabling may have the following reasons:
- Your eMail address isn't up-to-date anymore or eMails for you couldn't be delivered anymore.
(e.g. due to an overfull inbox)
- Bills haven't been paid. That can happen if the bank account from which the bill has been booked isn't covered sufficiently.
- Your customer data are not up to date anymore, i.e. we couldn't reach you via eMail, phone, snail mail or your accounting connection doesn't exist. That can happen if you have moved.
To suspend the disabling please contact our accounting office immediately via eMail or phone.