ID #1419

How do I set up my eMail account under Eudora Mail ?

Eudora Mail
After starting Eudora for the first time the Wizard for the E-Mail account opens up.

Please click the "Weiter" button.

Please click the "Weiter" button.

Please enter your username and click the "Weiter" button.

Please enter your E-Mail address and click the "Weiter" button.

Please enter your login name and click "Weiter".

Please enter your incoming mail server "" and click the "Weiter" button. 

Please enter the outgoing mail server "“ and click the "Weiter" button. 

Please click the "Weiter" button.

Click the "Fertig stellen" button.

Your E-Mail program is now configured and can be used.
You can check all settings under "Tools" -> "Options...".

An "Options" window appears.
Select the corresponding menu point from the left side, the settings you may change are displayed on the right side. 

Confirm your modifications by clicking the "OK" button.

Tags: client, E-Mail, email, eudora mail

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