ID #1452

How do I set up the FTP upload under Namo Webeditor ?

Namo Webeditor 3.5

After starting Namo WebEditor click the "Publish" button or select "File > Publish" from the menu.

After that the following window opens up.

To establish a connection to a server on the Internet click "Properties" on the top right.

You will find various preset FTP connection data in the left field.
Click"Modify"(2) to edit an existing page.
Click "Remove"(3) to delete an existing page.
To create a new FTP connection click "Add"(1).
Now the following window opens up:

Enter a freely selectable name into the field "Site Name"(1).
Enter "" into the field "Host"(2).
Enter your main web directory "/www/data" into the field "Directory"(3)
Enter your username from the activation eMail into the field "Username"(4) (case sensitive!).
Enter your password from the activation eMail into the field "Password"(5).
Please check the "Passive Mode"(6) box.
The field "Location(URL)"(7) should be empty. 
To establish the connection with this server click "OK"(8).

Choose your server connection from the drop-down menu "Site"(1).
The left side displays the files on your PC, the right one displays the files on the home directory of your server.
Before you can copy the files you have to select them with the mouse.
The files which are supposed to be transferred can be discerned by a small check mark to the left of the file name.

The button "<-Get"(2) copies the selected file from the server to the local PC (download), the button "Publish->"(3) copies the selected files from the local PC to the server (upload).
You can also copy whole directories by selecting a folder instead of a file.

Tags: FTP, Upload

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