Faster displaying of your pictures Preloading graphics is also possible without JavaScript. Just modify the picture's size in the source code of your HTML file...
<img src="pic/picture.gif" width="1" height="1"> Height 1px and Width 1px. The resulting small dot can be hidden at the end of the page for instance. That works only if you know which page the user is going to visit next. E.g. the page that appears after having filled out a form. The graphics included there appear instantly since they have been preloaded on the previous page (with the size of 1 x 1 pixels). This little trick is possible because web WWW- und FTP-Servern im Internet abzurufen. Bekannte Browser sind Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera und Mosaic.">browser store data that has been loaded once in the disk cache. That reduces the access time and enables fast displaying. 
Exact position of your pictures You can perfectly place your pictures by using a transparent GIF. A "transparent.gif" can be created with a graphic program very quickly. The picture has to be saved as GIF with a size of 1 x 1 pixels and the feature "transparent". Now you can assign any desired size to the picture in your HTML source code by using:
<img src="pic/transparent.gif" width="10" height="20">
So you are able to force exact gaps between pictures. When the transparent GIF has been loaded once by the web WWW- und FTP-Servern im Internet abzurufen. Bekannte Browser sind Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera und Mosaic.">browser the picture is automatically loaded from the disk cache. This ensures the multiple use without a long loading time. 
Exact table width You can specify the exact table width perfectly with a transparent GIF. The picture has to be saved as a GIF with 1x1 pixels in size and transparent. Now you can assign the picture any size in the HTML source code: Jetzt können Sie im Quelltext Ihrer HTML-Datei dem Bild eine beliebige Größe...
<img src="pic/transparent.gif" width="10" height="20">
A table row is always as high and wide as the biggest element contained. Use this and paste the transparent GIF into the table row and by doing so force an exact height or width of the line. When the transparent GIF has been loaded by the web WWW- und FTP-Servern im Internet abzurufen. Bekannte Browser sind Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera und Mosaic.">browser once the the picture is automatically loaded from the disk cache. This ensures the multiple us without a long loading time.
Tags: html, webdesign
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Letzte Änderung der FAQ: 2012-07-17 10:51
Verfasser: EUserv Kundensupport
Revision: 1.0
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