ID #1747

Why I am not longer able to order?


You are not able to order. There is no order link or cart funtion in customer panel or at our website usable.



  • Customer account has been disabled for new orders.



  • No new orders are possible.
  • An already activated termination is not reversible.

Background information:
We periodically check whether a customer brings more income as an expense to the company. This test is essential for a business enterprise, since there are no goods or services may offer more in permanent losses. Furthermore, it is checked whether a cooperation and communication on a partnership and solution-oriented basis is possible with the customer.

If a customer is in our economic decline or should other criteria, it can carry out the first step any more orders.

All existing contracts remain unaffected, i.e. be continued, provided that it does not terminate the customer.


Causes of such closures may be:
Hard factors

  • high cancellation advent
  • high support volume (ticket volume + frequency)
  • Attempted / Successful Reversal of payments / debits for payment services

Soft factors

  • Inappropriate communication to employees in telephone conversations (for example, uttering threats)
  • "If - Then - Else" - formulations in communication (for example, email, phone, forum)
  • Unobjective and not solution-oriented statements in public forums / social media.


However, there is the opportunity to apply for a release of the ordering function after a waiting period of 3 months, if the function is not activated automatically. Please contact in this case again the sales after the expiration of 3 months.

Tags: cancellation, Lock, Order

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