ID #1703

Where can I get a Plesk license?


EUserv doesn't offer Plesk licenses for rent. But EUserv provides the opportunity of an automatic Plesk-installation for dedicated servers and VPS. To use these installations an appropriate license has to be procured by a third-party provider.


A license is strictly required for using Plesk. If you don't own a license, please contact a partner of the manufacturer Odin/Parallels. All information and recommended partners can be found on the website of Odin/Parallels.

Generally EUserv suggests to use one of the following alternative webpanels for Plesk:


  • Cpanel (fee required)
  • ISPconfig
  • Froxlor
  • EasySCP
  • Tekbase (fee required)



Tags: CPanel, EasySCP, Frontend, Froxlor, ISPconfig, lizenz, plesk, Tekbase, Verwaltung, Webpanel

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