ID #1326

How do I use the rescue system when I want to make modifications on the installed system ?






1. Log in to the customer center and activate the rescue system.

2. After approximately 5 minutes the server should be accessible over ssh, use the username "root" and the default password from the customer center (server data)

3. Now the root partition has to be mounted first. The following example is for a standard installation of the Instant64-series:



a) mount /dev/sda2 /media
b) mount --bind /dev /media/dev
c) mount --bind /proc /media/proc
d) mount --bind /sys /media/sys
e) chroot /media

Should a error message after a) , that implies /media does not exist [mount: mount point /media does not exist]. So please enter the following command and repeat this step again.

mkdir /media



Now you are in the installed system and can make your modifications.


If you are using a RAID system

In case you are using a RAID System,  it has to be composed before point a):

Setting the DeviceNodes
(You will get an error if they are already existing. This can be ignored however.).

mknod /dev/md0 b 9 0 

mknod /dev/md1 b 9 1

now compose the Raid via mdadm:

mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
mdadm -A /dev/md1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2

=> /dev/md0 RAID for the SWAP
=> /dev/md1 RAID of the ROOT filesystem

=> ATTENTION: This applies only to standard partitions!

proceed with 3 a-e, however now set md1 (RAID Volume) for sda2 (root partition in the standard installation)   .

On the LVM system proceed with the following:

  • Run:    vgscan -v      the volumes were found
  • Activate all volumes with:        vgchange -a y

Now the individual LVM container can be mounted e.g. for backup purposes.


Tags: RAID, RescueSystem

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